

children(self, at_level: int = -1) -> List['QuadKey']

Get all children of the specified level.

  • at_level (default: 1): Level of the children keys to be returned. Has to be less than the current QuadKey's level.


from pyquadkey2.quadkey import QuadKey
qk = QuadKey('0')
qk.children(at_level=2) # -> ['000', '001', '002', '003', '010', '011', '012', '013', '020', '021', '022', '023', '030', '031', '032', '033']


parent(self) -> 'QuadKey'

Get the immediate parent QuadKey.


nearby(self, n: int = 1) -> List[str]

Get all QuadKeys at the same level that are in the current key's neighborhood of the specified radius n.

  • n (default: 1): Rectangular "radius" to consider.


Left: n=1, right: n=2

from pyquadkey2.quadkey import QuadKey
qk = QuadKey('032')
qk.nearby()     # -> ['021', '031', '023', '033', '201', '032', '030', '211', '210']
qk.nearby(n=2)  # -> ['023', '012', '022', '212', '210', '021', '033', '300', '203', '200', '030', '102', '003', '031', '302', '201', '032', '202', '120', '213', '002', '013', '122', '211', '020']


is_ancestor(self, node: 'QuadKey')

Whether or not the given key is an ancestor of the current one.

  • node: The other QuadKey to check against


is_descendent(self, node: 'QuadKey')

Whether or not the given key is a descendent of the current one.

  • node: The other QuadKey to check against



Side length in meters of the current key's square projected onto a two-dimensional world map.



Area in m² of the current key's square projected onto a two-dimensional world map.


difference(self, to: 'QuadKey') -> List['QuadKey']

Returns all keys of the same level that are "between" (in two-dimensional space) the current key and a given one.

  • to: The second QuadKey

from pyquadkey2.quadkey import QuadKey
qk1 = QuadKey('032')
qk2 = QuadKey('011')
qk1.difference(qk1) # -> [011, 013, 031, 033, 010, 012, 030, 032]


to_tile(self) -> Tuple[Tuple[int, int], int]

Returns the current key as a tile-tuple and the corresponding level.


to_pixel(self, anchor: TileAnchor = TileAnchor.ANCHOR_NW) -> Tuple[int, int]

Returns the current key as a pixel in a two-dimensional matrix.

  • anchor (default: TileAnchor.ANCHOR_NW): "Corner" of the current QuadKey's square / tile to get the pixel value for. Choices are: ANCHOR_NW, ANCHOR_SW, ANCHOR_NE, ANCHOR_SE, ANCHOR_CENTER.


to_geo(self, anchor: TileAnchor = TileAnchor.ANCHOR_NW) -> Tuple[float, float]

Returns the current key as GPS coordinates.

  • anchor (default: TileAnchor.ANCHOR_NW): "Corner" of the current QuadKey's square / tile to get the geo coordinate value for. Choices are: ANCHOR_NW, ANCHOR_SW, ANCHOR_NE, ANCHOR_SE, ANCHOR_CENTER.


to_quadint(self) -> int

Returns the current key as 64-bit integer for better space efficiency.

  • anchor (default: TileAnchor.ANCHOR_NW): "Corner" of the current QuadKey's square / tile to get the geo coordinate value for. Choices are: ANCHOR_NW, ANCHOR_SW, ANCHOR_NE, ANCHOR_SE, ANCHOR_CENTER.

QuadKey.bbox (static)

bbox(quadkeys: List['QuadKey']) -> List['QuadKey']

Similar to difference, but as a static method. In addition this method accepts multiple keys and returns all keys, that are contained in a bounding box spanned by the two outer-most quadkeys.

from pyquadkey2.quadkey import QuadKey
qks = [QuadKey('032'), QuadKey('011')]
QuadKey.bbox(qks)  # -> [011, 013, 031, 033, 010, 012, 030, 032]

QuadKey.from_geo (static)

from_geo(geo: Tuple[float, float], level: int) -> 'QuadKey'

See instantiation.

QuadKey.from_str (static)

from_str(qk_str: str) -> 'QuadKey'

See instantiation.

QuadKey.from_int (static)

from_int(qk_int: int) -> 'QuadKey'

See instantiation.